Kyle Abbott sure feels like he’s the big man on campus, considering his behavior has been of a child’s you wouldn’t see it!

In the coming weeks, he joins Victor Newman over at Glissade ready to make his mark, we all know whenever you work with The Great Victor Newman, consequences follow… Ask Patty Williams, Mariah Copeland, and soon one Claire Grace!

The battlelines are drawn, as Victor prepares for battle against yup..
Jack Abbott & Jabot!


The unexpected exit of few characters soon leaving will have heads spinning..

☆  Mamie Johnson has a secret weapon in her pocket.. perhaps a codocil left behind by the late Drucilla Winters?!
Will she use it only to alienate her beloved family she vows to love?!!


Reported by :

Nathan Banks

Willy-Nathan’s EXTREME 411
Hollywood BUZZ POdcast

Author’s Daily Media Gazette

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Quote of the week

"People ask me what I do in the winter when there's no baseball. I'll tell you what I do. I stare out the window and wait for spring."

~ Rogers Hornsby

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